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BASIC Source File
289 lines
10 scnclr
20 rem SpeechCraft V.1.0, by Kelly Kauffman, 3170 Sprout Way, Sparks, NV 89431
30 rem CIS [70206,640]
40 restore 100
50 for i=0 to 8:read config%(i):next i
60 read x$
70 speek$=translate$(x$)
80 x%=narrate (speek$,config%())
90 print " Version 1.0"
100 data 110,0,150,0,22000,64,10,0,0
110 data speech-eazy.
120 goto 1770:rem menu
130 speek$=translate$(x$)
140 x%=narrate(speek$,config%())
150 return
160 x$="Change Pitch.":gosub 130
170 scnclr
180 print "Please enter a number between 65 and"
190 print
200 print "320. It is currently set to ";config%(0);"."
210 print
220 print
230 print "What do you want it to be now ";:input change
240 config%(0)=change
250 print
260 x$=phrase$
270 gosub 130
280 goto 1770
290 rem end of changing pitch
300 x$="Change Inflection.":gosub 130
310 scnclr
320 print " Change Inflection"
330 print
340 print "It is currently set to:";config%(1);"."
350 if config%(1)=0 then print "Inflection Enabled." Else print "Monotone. No Inflection."
360 print
370 print "0 = Inflection Enabled":print :print "1 = Inflection Disabled"
380 print
390 print "Enter Choice ";:input change
400 if change>1 or change<0 then 300 else config%(1)=change
410 goto 1770
420 rem end of inflection
430 x$="Speeking Rate.":gosub 130
440 scnclr
450 print
460 print " Change Rate"
470 print
480 print
490 print"Speeking Rate is currently set to:"
500 print config%(2);"."
510 print
520 print
530 print "You can enter a number between 40 &"
540 print "400, the default is 150."
550 print
560 print "Enter Speech Rate ";:input change
570 if change >400 or change<40 then 440
580 config%(2)=change
590 x$=phrase$:gosub 130
600 goto 1770
610 x$="Change Voice.":gosub 130
620 scnclr
630 print
640 print " Change Speaking Voice"
650 print
660 print "Currently set to ";
670 if config%(3)=0 then print "Male Voice." else print "Female Voice."
680 print
690 print "0=Male"
700 print "1=Female"
710 print
720 print "Enter Choice";
730 input choice
740 if choice>1 or choice <0 then 620
750 config%(3)=choice
760 goto 1770
770 x$="Change Freequency.":gosub 130
780 scnclr
790 print
800 print" Change Frequency"
810 print
820 print
830 print "This paramater controls the changes"
840 print "in vocal quality. Specify a value"
850 print "in the range of 5,000 (low and"
860 print "rumbly), to 28000 (high and squeaky."
870 print "The default value is 22200."
880 print
890 print "It is currently set to ";config%(4)
900 print
910 print "Please enter Frequency now";
920 input choice
930 if choice >28000 or choice <5000 then 780
940 config%(4)=choice
950 goto 1770
960 x$="Volume.":gosub 130
970 scnclr
980 print" Volume."
990 print
1000 print "Specify a value between 0 (no sound)"
1010 print "and 64 (loudest). It is currently "
1020 print "set at ";config%(5);"."
1030 print
1040 print "Enter Volume ";
1050 input vol
1060 if vol>64 or vol<0 then 970
1070 print
1080 config%(5)=vol
1090 goto 1770
1100 x$="Chanel Selection.":gosub 130
1110 scnclr
1120 print" Channel Selection"
1130 print "Channels 0 and 3 go to the left audio"
1140 print "output, and channels 1 and 2 go to "
1150 print "the right audio output. Specify a "
1160 print "number from the following chart:"
1170 print
1180 print "Value Channel"
1190 print "0 0"
1200 print "1 1"
1210 print "2 2"
1220 print "3 3"
1230 print "4 0 and 1"
1240 print "5 0 and 2"
1250 print "6 3 and 1"
1260 print "7 3 and 2"
1270 print "8 either avail. left channel."
1280 print "9 either aval. right channel."
1290 print "10 either avail. right/left"
1300 print " pair of channels (default)"
1310 print "11 any avail. single channel."
1320 print
1330 print "Enter Choice";
1340 input choice
1350 if choice>11 or choice<0 then 1110
1360 config%(6)=choice
1370 goto 1770
1380 end
1390 x$="sinkronihzation mode.":gosub 130
1400 scnclr
1410 print " Synchronization Mode."
1420 print
1430 print "0 (default) means the Amiga waits"
1440 print " to finish what it is saying, before"
1450 print " it goes on in the program."
1460 print
1470 print "1 means the Amiga doesn't wait to"
1480 print " finish what it's saying, instead"
1490 print " it speaks and continues with the"
1500 print " program."
1510 print
1520 print "It is currently set to ";config%(7)
1530 print
1540 print "Enter new Value ";
1550 input choice
1560 if choice>1 or choice<0 then 1400
1570 config%(7)=choice
1580 goto 1770
1590 x$="Narator device control.":gosub 130
1600 scnclr
1610 print "0=Wait to finish first statement,then"
1620 print "speak the next one."
1630 print
1640 print "1=If another speech command is found"
1650 print "encountered, stop speaking the"
1660 print "one and say neither."
1670 print
1680 print "2=Identical to 1 except it speaks"
1690 print "the second command."
1700 print
1710 print "Currently set to ";config%(8)
1720 print
1730 print "Change to ";:input choice
1740 if choice>2 or choice<0 then 1600
1750 config%(8)=choice
1760 goto 1770
1770 rem menu
1780 scnclr
1790 print " SpeechEazy! Version 1.0"
1800 print
1810 print " Main Menu"
1820 print
1830 print "1) Change Pitch "
1840 print "2) Change Inflection"
1850 print "3) Change Rate"
1860 print "4) Change Speaking Voice"
1870 print "5) Change Frequency in hertz"
1880 print "6) Change Volume"
1890 print "7) Change Channel Selection"
1900 print "8) Change Synchronization mode."
1910 print "9) Change Narrator device control"
1920 print "0) Change Phrase"
1930 print "S) Save current phrase w/paramaters."
1940 print "L) Load phrase w/parameters."
1950 ?
1960 x$="choose.":gosub 130
1970 print "Please enter Choice ";
1980 getkey a$
1990 print a$
2000 if asc(a$)=13 then 1770
2010 if a$<>"L" or a$<>"l" or a$<>"S" or a$<>"s" then choice=val(a$)
2020 if a$="L" or a$="l" then 2300
2030 if a$="S" or a$="s" then 2530
2040 if choice=0 then 2070
2050 on choice goto 160,300,430,610,770,960,1100,1390,1590,2070
2060 goto 1770
2070 scnclr
2080 x$="Change Phrase.":gosub 130
2090 print " Change Phrase"
2100 print
2110 print "1) Listen to Current Phrase"
2120 print
2130 print "2) Make a new phrase"
2140 print
2150 print "Enter Choice.";
2160 input choice
2170 if choice>2 or choice<1 then 2070
2180 if choice=1 then x$=phrase$:gosub 130
2190 if choice=1 then 1770
2200 scnclr
2210 print " Enter New Phrase"
2220 print
2230 print "Then follow it by a [RETURN]"
2240 print
2250 line input phrase$
2260 print
2270 print "Do you want to hear it now? (y/n)";:input yn$
2280 if yn$="Y" or yn$="y" then x$=phrase$:gosub 130
2290 goto 1770
2300 x$="Load.":gosub 130
2310 scnclr
2320 print
2330 print " Load Phrase"
2340 print
2350 print "This will load in a previously "
2360 print
2370 print " ";
2380 print inverse(1);"S";inverse(0);"aved phrase."
2390 print
2400 print"Enter filename for phrase:"
2410 print
2420 print "FORMAT: Volume name:subdir./file"
2430 print
2440 on error gosub 2780
2450 line input file$
2460 open "i",#1,file$
2470 for i=0 to 8
2480 input #1,config%(i)
2490 next i
2500 line input #1,phrase$
2510 close #1
2520 goto 1770
2530 x$="Save.":gosub 130
2540 scnclr
2550 print
2560 print" Save"
2570 print
2580 print"This command will save your current"
2590 print
2600 print "phrase to disk to a file you specify"
2610 print
2620 print "along with all of your parameters."
2630 print
2640 print "Press RETURN to exit.":?
2650 print "Filename:";
2660 line input file$
2670 if file$="" then 1770
2680 open "o",#1,file$
2690 for i=0 to 8
2700 print #1,config%(i)
2710 next i
2720 print #1,phrase$
2730 close #1
2740 print
2750 print "Save is complete."
2760 for i=1 to 2000:next i
2770 goto 1770
2780 scnclr
2790 x$="you messed up."
2800 gosub 130
2810 ?:?:?
2820 ?"I encountered an error ";err;"."
2830 print
2840 print
2850 print"Press RETURN to continue."
2860 input a$
2870 on error gosub 2780
2880 resume 1770